The Mission

Mission of the Church

The objects of the Church are as follows:

  1. To preach the Gospel of Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ according to the Holy Bible.
  2. To teach the Holy Scriptures according to the Holy Bible conformably to the Constitution and the Guiding Principles of the
  3. To preach and teach the doctrinal beliefs of the Church to every person either individually or as organized bodies with a view to their acceptance of such teachings and their signified desire that they be admitted to fellowship of the Church.
  4. To carry on evangelistic programmes, form, establish and build Assemblies, Churches, Chapels, Temples and govern them according to the Guiding Principles of the Church.
  5. To publish or cause to be published in any place and at any time, Christian literature, including  Tracts,  Magazines, Periodicals, Circulars, Books, Stickers or make  such  other publications  and expressions as may be conducive to or compatible with the aims and objects herein and to print, distribute and circulate same.
  6. To establish and own print and electronic media, make broadcasts, announcements, advertisements,  publications  or use  any  sound device   and   other forms  of  information   and   communication technology for the purpose of propagating Christian Faith in all its ramifications world-wide.
  7. To organize and run training programmes, conferences and embark on missionary work for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ.
  8. To establish, control, promote and undertake Bible Schools/ Colleges/ Seminaries/ Universities for the training and development of Ministers and Workers of the Gospel in conformity with and pursuant to the Guiding Principles of the Church and to establish other educational or social institutions.
  9. To co-operate and associate with or otherwise encourage and assist any person, body or organization with identical or complementary aims and objectives for the furtherance and expansion of the Gospel of CHRIST.
  10. To ordain or permit to be ordained Officers, Pastors or Ministers of the Church and to confer or permit to be conferred on them such rights or privileges as the Church shall deem due fit in accordance with Biblical injunctions.
  11. To use, obtain, acquire, hold, purchase or otherwise own through all  lawful   means, machines, vehicles, equipments, audio visual displays, radio communication and telecommunication gadgets of all kinds for the propagation of the Gospel.
  12. To establish and carry on relief programmes and run welfare programmes for widows, orphans, destitute, prisoners, the aged, the poor, and do all such things capable of reducing human pains and sufferings.